Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Guidelines in Writing a Concept Paper

1.Cost and Methodology should be reasonable.

2.The budget, methodology, and timeline should be clearly aligned.

3.Use statistics and figures when discussing the rationale for the project.

4.Use no more than 5 pages (single-spaced) excluding the cover page. Do not overwhelm the readers with details.

5.Never request funding for planning the proposal.

6.Adjust your language to the intended readers. You may use technical terms if readers are scholars and scientists. However, refrain from using jargon when your target readers are lay persons.

7.Include the overview of the budget if it is required. If not, then skip the budget section. In place of this, you may simply include the type of support you may need such as personnel, travel and communication, and equipment.

8.Be sure that basic format details, such as page numbers, are incorporated.

9.Cite your references.
Source: Jessie Barrot, Ph. D & Philippe John Sepacio

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