Thursday, July 19, 2018

Simplified Text Structure and its types

What is a text structure?
* A “structure” is a building or framework.
* Builders can use different kinds of structures to build different things.
* Writers use different structures to build their ideas.

1. Chronological order
*Authors use chronological order to explain how things happen in order

*You will know that you are reading a text in chronological order because you will see words like first, next, later, then, and finally
*   You will often see chronological order in directions:
Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!

2. Compare and contrast
*Explaining the similarities and differences between chosen/assigned topics.
*How things are similar or different.


The cardinal and the goldfinch are two common birds. Both are brightly colored. Both are common at birdfeeders. But the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, while the male goldfinch is yellow.  Cardinals like shrubs and trees, while goldfinches prefer open meadows.

3. Cause and Effect
*a writer wants to explain how one event leads to another.
* When authors write paragraphs to show causes and effects, they use words like cause, effect, as a result, consequently, and so.


The night’s snowstorm had many effects. People were out shoveling snow from their sidewalks. The power lines were draped with ice. Snow plows drove down every street. Children were the happiest of all. The unexpected snow caused school to be cancelled!

4. Problem and Solution
*an author will want to explain a problem, and then show one or more solutions. Often, authors will signal problem and solution structure with clue words like problem and solution.
Problem and Solution
* Synonyms for problem include difficulty, struggle, uncertainty, worry, threat, and trouble

Brown marmorated stinkbugs have caused many problems since they were accidentally introduced to North America. They damage fruit, bother people, and harm crops. Scientists are trying to find a solution. One promising possibility is a species of wasp that originally comes from Asia. This wasp is a predator of stinkbugs. Scientists hope that this wasp could solve the stinkbug problem.

5. Description
*This text structure is used to describe a location, idea, or event.
* Clue words in these paragraphs may include:
*  One reason, another reason, and for example
*These paragraphs may also include spatial order words to show how details relate to each other:  next to, by, along, in, above, and so forth

The pond was a beautiful place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.

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